
Do you hope to use social media for your business? Topsy is a social web solution that aims at improving your search and analysis on the social web. By using the app, your company will receive instant results on certain facts about anything you specify on social media. The information you gain on these facts can be used as a marketing tool for your company. You can just use the search bar on the web application to search just for anything. When you enter any topic on the search bar, Topsy will generate a page with all related tweets, links and updates on social web.

You can also check who to use as your company or product ambassador. By using Topsy, you will be able to identify the key influences on the social web where you can hire these people to promote your company products. You will be able to identify who has most social influence on your products,brand or any other topic.

Topsy also enables to change the various preferences you would where you their is the family filter where you can view trending topics on just your Twitter and Google+ friends only. Its also possible to change your language preferences where you can find trending topics on maybe Chinese only or any other language.

Things that we like

  • The simplicity of the application makes it easy for users to understand and use the application.


  • The mobile version lacks some of the features on the desktop website. The website developers should have used responsive web design technique that would have ensured that both the websites have all the functionality and features.