Left A Note

Driving through a busy highway can be stressful and dangerous at some instances. Imagine driving in a highway and you notice that a car ahead of you has broken light or has a deflated tire, what would you do to help out the driver from avoiding an accident? In most cases you just ignore since its hard to try and communicate to a strange driver.

Well, left a note helps solve this communication problem. This mobile website gives you a means of leaving a message to a driver in another car. If you want to check your car to see if any notes have been left, simply click the “View Notes” button at the top and enter your state and license plate number. If you want to see all notes left in your state, leave the license plate number field blank. You can also subscribe for notifications in caseĀ  a note about you or your car is left by another driver. All you have to so is enter your state, license plate number and your email address. Then anytime someone leaves a note for that license plate we will send you an email notification.

You can write or draw a note so that the driver can view the note. The website gives drivers a chance to help other drivers from avoiding accidents. If you want to leave a note to other drivers all you have to do is enter their license plate number and state and enter the note. If drawing is more your thing, you can use our drawing tool to draw a note for someone.

Things that we like

  • The idea is very unique and the website is simple and easy to use.


  • The website lacks a way to regulate the notes that users create on the website.