
Twitter is a popular social networking website. This is the official mobile version of the Twitter social website. Immediately you enter the mobile application, you will be required to register if you are not a Twitter user already. The website allows users to sign up where you are required to enter your full name, phone number or email address and your password. You are also required to enter the captcha code on the website and then you are registered.

If have an existing Twitter account, you can just sign in to your account. You will be required to use the username or email address as well as its password. After logging in into the website, you will be able to view updates posted by your friends(Those you follow). The top of the website comes with various links to other pages on the website where you can view other pages related to your account.

Twitter users can communicate to you by mentioning your Twitter handle (which is @your_username). The link denoted by (@) shows all the mentions that you received from other Twitter users. If anybody writes anything and he or she includes @your_username, you will be able to view the tweet via the mentions page. Other notifications displayed on the mentions page is if anybody follows you.

Another Twitter feature is the #hashtag that denotes trending events on Twitter. If anybody uses the #hashtag to write a tweet, and the topic that he or she wrote about is very popular with other Twitter users you can view these Tweets under the trending category.

The application also allows you to view your profile where you view the users who follow you and those that you follow. All the tweets you have written on Twitter can also be viewable on your profile. You also compose a tweet where you write a message that has less than 140 characters.

Things that we like

  • The application is simple and easy to use.
  • The website has high grade SSL encryption to protect your details from unauthorized access.


  • Twitter should allow users to compose tweets with more than 140 characters.