
Are you looking to purchase office electronics and accessories at competitive prices? Check out the mobile website of the Staples online store where you can purchase PCs & accessories,printers, desk supplies, software among other items. The website is a one-stop store where you can find almost all items you may need online.

If you are looking for any item, all you have to do is use the search bar available where you have to enter the name or any other related keyword of the item you are searching for. To view the complete list of items sold at the Staples online store, you can check out the Products link on the website. The products link lists a pop up menu that shows various items categories available on the website. For example, if you are looking to purchase a computer for your office, all you have to do is to check out the PCs link on the products menu or use the the search bar on the homepage.

You can also find a nearby Staples store by checking out the Find a store link on the website. To locate a US store, all you have to do is fill in a form where you have to enter the city and state of the Staples store you are searching for. Through the use of GPS, the website can also locate a store near your location where you just have to enter the mile range of the store you are looking to find. If you know the store number, you can use the search at the bottom of the Find a store page.

Things that we Like

  • The website has a nice pop up navigation menu that makes it easy for customers to find various product categories available.
  • The website has a search bar that enables users to find items on the website more easily.
  • The website has high grade SSL encryption to ensure that user details are protected from unauthorized access by hackers and other cyber criminals.


  • Some of the webpages do not load and thus affecting the overall shopping experience a user may have.
  • One has to be located in the US in order to shop on Staples.