
Are you interested in gaming? Gain gaming knowledge on GameTech mobile website where game enthusiasts share knowledge, ideas and innovations. This mobile website gives gaming experts and developers with a platform to discuss the various ways to improve games. Major players in technology such as the government, corporates and individuals meet at the National Center for Simulation at specific times of the year to discuss certain aspects of gaming. GameTech takes these conferences seriously where all the information and ideas discussed during these meetings is available on the website.

The conferences schedule are available on the website. You will find the specific conference dates on the general schedule of the website. The list of the speakers on these conferences is also available on the website. The speakers’ biographies is available on the website where you can gain information on which conferences to attend or not. By reading the biographies, you gain important information on what to expect from the speakers. GameTech has various maps to direct you to the conferences. A map of the hotel hosting the event is available on GameTech as well as the map to the Conventional Center. Information about GameTech sponsors and exhibitors is available on the website. You can also follow GameTech on Twitter and like GameTech Facebook page where you can updates on events and conferences.

Things that we like

  • The conference idea is a very nice idea for gaming enthusiasts to meet and share their ideas and experiences.


  • The website’s idea is too general and small for one to create a website. The website needs to include other new ideas such as presentation of new games where these games can be sold on this website.