
Are you looking to travel soon? Get the best rates for hotel rooms, car rentals, plane tickets etc  on the Kayak mobile website.

The homepage lists a navigation menu to enable you to find information on the website easily. The flight search page will enable you to find the best airline to travel with. The flight search form will require you to enter the type of ticket you want where you can choose a one-way, round-trip or a multiple destination ticket. You will also have to dictate your origin and destination airport as well as the date that you will depart from your airport. The form will require you to enter the number of tickets you wish to purchase as well as the airline class. Upon entering all these details, you will find all the details on various flights available. Various airline prices are listed where upon clicking on your most suitable ticket you will find details about your flight. You will also be directed to the airlines page where you can buy the ticket directly from your phone.
You can use the mobile website to book hotel rooms in various cities across the world. The hotel search page will require you to enter your location or through use of GPS the website can find your location. You will also need to specify the date that you will check-in and checkout date. You will also need to enter the number of guests and the number of rooms you are interested in booking. A list of available hotel rooms within the city will be listed on the page. You will be able to select the hotel room within your price range where you will be directed to the hotel’s website where you can book for the room. Other than hotel bookings and airline ticket bookings, you can find car rental services across all the cities in the world.

Things that we Like

  • The website’s pages have SSL encryption to ensure that all your financial information is protected from hackers and other cyber criminals.


  • The website lacks a search bar to enable users to find information on the website easily.
  • Some of the cities are not covered in the Kayak service.