Shop for the cheapest household items at Walmart. The official mobile website of the Walmart in-store and online store will provide you with information on the latest discounts and offers available on various household products.
The app has an easy to use structure where you can browse through various pages by using the navigation menu on the app. The value of the day page is a page where you can find the best deal on a certain feature item of the day. Through the use of GPS, the website can detect your location and with this information it can give you directions to the nearest Walmart store. You can find the best deals within your locality by checking the Local Ad page. Through the use of GPS, the website can also help you in finding great deals within the nearby Walmart store.
The Rollback page on the navigation menu will enable you to find various categories of household items available at various Walmart stores. The page displays various items where under each of the categories you get to view the savings you will make on purchasing each of the items. You can purchase medicine and order refills on your prescriptions on the Pharmacy page. The page will also give you directions to the nearest Walmart pharmacy within your location. You can keep track of goods you have purchase on the website by checking out the Track Order page.
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