Colored Divider Listing Page

Colored Divider Listing Page

Categories: Accordion, Details

Are you looking for a simple page to display info from different categories on your app? This templates uses an enhanced version of the jQuery Mobile Accordion Widget. Inside the page content you can see a collection of different colored cards that are stacked vertically. The different color sets are suitable for adding text from different categories.

The header of the template has the home button that can be used to navigate back to the homepage of your mobile app. The subheader of the template has three links that can be a perfect part to navigate away to other pages on your app. The footer will also come in handy if you are interested in adding extra links on this page.


  • jQuery Mobile 1.3.0
  • Custom jQuery Mobile theme
  • Works with iPhone, iPad, Android and other major smartphones
  • Standard header
  • Standard footer
  • Fixed navigation
  • jQM Accordion Widget


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