Excellent Product Comparison Page

Excellent Product Comparison Page

Categories: Details, Photo-Details, Product-Details

Do you own a business with multiple brands of a certain product(s), and want to aid your customers do comparison in the best way possible?  Here is what you need! This is a mobile jQuery mobile template, that helps in product’s price comparison and other specific features. The header is perfect for placing the app’s title, whereas the buttons on it can be used to navigate through other pages of the app. The sub-header can be used to place links to different pages displaying different products. On clicking the Compare button in the content area, it pops up a drop down menu that has a list of items you like to compare. On selecting an item, the products image and specifications are displayed below. Download and enjoy the flexibility.


  • jQuery Mobile 1.3.0
  • Default jQuery Mobile theme
  • Works with iPhone, iPad, Android and other major smartphones
  • Standard header
  • Standard footer


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