Travel Wisconsin

The official mobile website of the Wisconsin Department of Tourism is the authority for information to plan your next Wisconsin vacation or getaway. If you are looking to visit Wisconsin, then get all the information you need directly from this website.

The best places to visit in Wisconsin are clearly outlined on the website. You will get information on state of the art amenities where you can find a wide range of places to stay ranging from rustic Northwood’s resorts to luxurious award winning hotels.  The website can recommend over 4000 places where you can stay during your visit at Wisconsin. If you click on a certain place as indicated on the directory, you will get a description of the place, its contacts information as well as driving directions to that place.

Get information on the activities you can undertake while on vacation at Wisconsin. At Wisconsin, tourists are welcome to four seasons of exploring, adventuring and enjoying all there is to do in Wisconsin. The website also comes with information about all the places one can dine with his or her family. Good meals are available where Wisconsin restaurants ensure that all their customers are satisfied with what they eat. You can also find information about Wisconsin travel resources on this website too.

Things that we like

  • The website is so informative and helpful especially to tourists who are in vacation in Wisconsin.


  • The website navigation menu should be at the top of the website rather than at the bottom.