Brett Hayes

Do you require a website for your business? Brett Hayes through this mobile website seeks to help you out. The website acts as a portfolio for Brett where all his works and past experiences are outlined.

If you are an aspiring web developer then browse through the website to gain knowledge on web design. You can share your ideas with Brett through the website. Start a conversation with Brett on the smart contact button where you can easily communicate with him on what you would want your website to be about. On the website, you get to tell Brett on how to improve your website and your past experiences on using your website.

Do you own a company? Check out the website to get information on how to improve your website. Check out the mobile website to view past clients that Brett worked for. Read their testimonials in order to learn how Brett web design skills helped turn their company’s dreams into realities. Check the contact button where you get the chance to communicate to him on the amount of money you are willing to spend on your company’s website redesign or design.

If you are interested in checking out Brett’s resume, check the mobile website to get the resume download link. The website serves as Brett’s portfolio and its an easy to engage him if you are interested in web development and web design services.

Things that we like

  • The contact form is very easy to use and its the most efficient way that people can speak with Brett.


  • Adding a social media button would help Brett in engaging with his prospective clients more.