Webstyle Digital Agency

Internet has become the best marketing tool to ensure that business maximize their profits through venturing into new markets. Through adverting, market surveys and research online, companies can maximize their profits. Webstyle Digital Agency aims to help out various businesses in internet marketing, web development and web design. Check out the mobile website of the agency to find information on the services your business can find at the agency.

The homepage of the website lists various sub pages to enable users to find information about the Webstyle Digital Agency services. The homepage also outlines other agency information such as the company’s overview. The navigation page will allow users to browse through various webpage on the website. The Services page outlines all services that Webstyle Digital Agency offers to its clients. Services offered include web design, Mobile web design, Internet Marketing, Social Media Marketing, E-commerce amongst others.

The Portfolio page will enable you to gain information on Webstyle Digital Agency’s experience. The page generally displays recent works done by Webstyle Digital Agency where you can view their web links. You can get WebStyle Digital Agency contacts on the Contact page. The agency’s phone number and email address are displayed on the page. The page also displays the agency’s bank account details.

Things that we Like

  • The website has a nice navigation menu to enable users to browse through various webpages.
  • The website has a nice start up image.
  • The website has a Click-to-Call button to enable users to call the WebStyle Digital Agency directly on the app.


  • The website lacks a search bar to enable users to find information on the website easily.