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jQuery Mobile 1.2.0 Final jQuery Mobile 1.2.0 was finally released! Great new features have been added to this new version: a new popup widget, an autodivider and collapsible option for listviews, amongst others, are some of the functionality that can we can all ... Categories: jQuery Mobile, News, Webclips

Restore the last visited page using cookies Overview If you are loading your mobile application from the home screen you probably noticed that as soon as you minimize the application Safari Mobile will not keep track of the last visited page. That means that regardless of the ... Categories: How-To, HTML5

Advanced Customization of the jQuery Mobile Buttons There are many ways to skin a cat By default, jQuery Mobile offers a series of themes that you can use in your project. Chances are that your project has been designed with unique buttons and elements that defer from the standard  ... Categories: CSS3, jQuery Mobile

Why 37signals Built Basecamp in HTML5? There are many reasons why building an HTML5 web application makes  sense for a lot of businesses. Whether is budget constrains, skill set, or a deep understanding of the different technologies available, everyone will face a crossroad ... Category: Web Technology

HTML5 Apps vs. Native Apps When you buy a smartphone it is typically loaded with several apps. In addition to these apps, you can also download or purchase other apps from the AppStore, Android Market, Blackberry Market and other distribution channel associated ... Category: Web Technology

How to Make an iPhone Back Button in jQuery Mobile Creating an iOS-like back button using CSS3 without images is an interesting challenge. It gets tricky when you try to do it within the boundaries of jQuery Mobile 1.1.0. To get started, let's consider a basic HTML code for a jQuery ... Categories: CSS3, How-To, HTML5