Email Inbox Page

Email Inbox Page

Categories: Email-Form, Forms

Have you been in need of synchronizing all of your emails on your mobile phone device? Well, what we have here is a simple email look alike page that can be used for various purposes. You can use the template for your email app or message app. With the header, you can easily edit by adding the title and name of your mobile application. The page consists of a search bar that aids you do a quick search of all your received emails. The content part has a list of your emails, with each providing details of when the mail was received.

The footer part of the page has amazing features especially the refresh button. This button enables you to easily navigate through emails you previously viewed, by way of clicking. There is also the settings button, which caters for all settings of the app page.


  • jQuery Mobile 1.3.0
  • Default jQuery Mobile theme
  • Works with iPhone, iPad, Android and other major smartphones
  • Standard header
  • Standard footer
  • Footer navigation


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