Financial List View Page

Financial List View Page

Categories: Details, Listview, Table

Have you been experiencing trouble accessing financial data, due to the difficulty experienced in interpreting most poorly displayed financial information? well, if you are this person worry no more. We have a ready to use financial listing template,with up-to-date technology that will save your time. The template comes with a simple list display interface where anyone can easily interpret the displayed information . The simple header can be used to give the name of your app,with the unique sub-header linking the user to other pages of the app. The footer is an alternative to the sub-header, as you can navigate through other pages this time using the arrows. Download and customize the template.


  • jQuery Mobile 1.3.0
  • Default jQuery Mobile theme
  • Works with iPhone, iPad, Android and other major smartphones
  • Standard header
  • Footer navigation
  • Fixed navigation


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