Travel Info Listing Page

Travel Info Listing Page

Categories: Listview, Product-List

Did you know a nice travel blog requires pages with text accompanied by graphics? At Appcropolis ,we are having this sorted out for you with our amazing travel jQuery mobile template. The template is up-to-date with the latest technology, and is compatible across multiple devices.This page lists various destinations around the world, along with thumbnails and brief descriptions. You can customize this page by adding your own text and graphics. Each item listed can be a link to a page with more details of a particular destination. Its important to understand that this template is not limited to travel, as you can customize it to suit any list view of your choice. You can place additional links to other pages on the header and footer of the template.


  • jQuery Mobile 1.3.0
  • Works with iPhone, iPad, Android and other major smartphones
  • Customized listview
  • Customized header
  • Customized footer
  • Fixed navigation


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