Unique Footer Email Page

Unique Footer Email Page

Categories: Social, Social-Media

Are you trapped in that annoying habit of waiting to get to the web to access your emails? It is probably because you have not landed the right deal, but never mind it is not too late! At Appcropolis ,we are offering a unique email jQuery mobile template that is user friendly and cost effective. This template combines the best of your most favorite email features with noticeable improvements to help you on the go. The emails are well displayed in periodic sub-divisions, clearly showing the sender and the time the email came in. The header has additional links,linking you to other pages of the app. The search bar feature can be very handy, in making quick searches through your contacts. As you may notice, the footer has various buttons that you can customize and link to other pages just to optimize your email app. Download and enjoy exploring the template.


  • jQuery Mobile 1.3.0
  • Works with iPhone, iPad, Android and other major smartphones
  • Standard header
  • Fixed navigation
  • Standard footer


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