Unique Menu Email Page

Unique Menu Email Page

Categories: Product-List, Social, Social-Media

Are you looking for a user friendly mobile template for your email app? We at Appcropolis have something for you! This is a jQuery mobile template, that is user friendly and will help you quickly access your emails anytime. The template’s header has buttons that can act as links to help the user navigate through other pages of the app. The sub-header has a really unique drop-down menu, to help the user select a certain action. In the content area, the messages are perfectly displayed using periodic sub-divisions;along with other details such as when the message was received and the senders name.  The footer has extra buttons that can be used as links to other pages of the app. Download and customize this product.


  • jQuery Mobile 1.2.0
  • Default jQuery Mobile theme
  • Works with iPhone, iPad, Android and other major smartphones
  • Standard header
  • Autodividers
  • Automatically sorting of the listview
  • Multiple sortable listviews
  • Fixed navigation


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