Unique Text Page

Unique Text Page

Categories: Text

If you are looking for a good looking and unique text page for your mobile app, Appcropolis have something for you. This is a beautiful design text page that goes beyond the traditional text pages. It is unique by the fact that, it uses modern technology to incorporate features that makes user’s experience like no other. This is from the header that provides buttons that links the user to other pages of the app,breaking the monotony of vertical scrolling like it is the case in most text-pages. The arrows on the footer provides arrows to help the user scroll through text easily, this time more interesting with a choice to move forward or backward.


  • jQuery Mobile 1.3.0
  • Default jQuery Mobile theme
  • Works with iPhone, iPad, Android and other major smartphones
  • Standard header
  • Footer navigation
  • Fixed navigation
  • Editable text


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